Migration & Upgradation Services
With our Migration services for Microsoft Dynamics and SAP now you can migrate your organization’s digital assets, resources, and services or applications are deployed in the cloud, where the migrated assets cannot be accessed beyond the cloud’s firewall.

We help you in a digital transformation through our cloud migration services and also to make a move to the cloud through the right roadmap, strategy, workflow model, and ecosystem collaborations.
We work with you to determine the approach that works best for your organization – public, private, or hybrid. We take a customer-centric approach, pre-set templates, and data analytics applications to ensure migrations take place in a smooth, effective, and systematic way without any negative business impact.
We are veterans having an extensive experience in version upgradation in Microsoft Dynamics and SAP. We have carefully crafted our upgrade methodology to ensure 100% data consistency, functionality consistency, ISV solutions/customizations upgradations & data recovery. We’ve developed a reputation as true product experts and we place an emphasis on technical excellence and have studied the variances of the solution from one release to the next.
If we are talking about Microsoft Dynamics from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 3.9 to Microsoft Dynamics 2018 & Dynamics 365 Business central latest release, versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX from AX 2009 and Dynamics 2012 to the latest release of Microsoft Dynamics 365, you’ve found one. If we are talking About SAP from SAP Business one 8.0 to SAP Business One 9.3.
You won’t find a better partner to upgrade your solution from Dynamics NAV 3.7/5.0/2009/2013 to Dynamics NAV 2018 or Dynamics 365 Business central. MindQuad’s upgrade team has a unique experience of upgradation of 200+ databases ranging versions 3.7 to 2013 & ranging DB size from 5 GB to 5TB.